Augmentative Communication Systems-Sign Languages, PECS

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The topic for today's reading was Augmentative Communication Systems-Sign Languages, PECS. In the assigned reading and module, we observe that a characteristic of autism is difficulty developing and using verbal speech to communicate with others. The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is used to help children with autism to develop a system for communicating with others across multiple environments. It is used most often with learners that are non-verbal, but can also be used with learners with limited verbal skills. PECS can be used across age ranges, starting in preschool, to help individuals with ASD communicate with others. In fact, research has shown that learners can use PECS to increases their work production and speech development. PECS is different from others visual communication systems in that the learner is taught to hand a picture to person with whom they want to communicate with. Learners are initially taught to use PECS to make request. Once their communicate dysfunction is learn they may be taught other functions such as labeling and questio...

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