Atticus's Rights

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From personal experience, many take a stand for what they believe in, like when I believed that something is right, I stick to the thing I think is right. Like one time I had believed that proper manners are right, and so I stood for that one time when I had told my sister to say thank you to her friend, after she had received something from them. And so, in class we’ve read a book called ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ (bestselling prize winner) that had been written beautifully by the author Harper Lee, and was written as the genre, Realistic Fiction. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in a small town called Maycomb and has many unique characters such as Atticus, a lawyer that enjoys reading, Scout, a young girl who tends to dress like a tomboy, …show more content…

My first example of Atticus supporting/standing for equality can be found on chapter 11, when Scout ask Atticus if he is a negro lover, which Atticus replies by saying “I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody (144).” This supports Atticus’s passion for standing for equality, because he says he tries to love everyone, which this symbolizes equality. My second example of Atticus supporting/standing for equality can be found on chapter 20, when Atticus is doing his speech during the court case of Tom, which Atticus says “What was the evidence of her offense? Tom Robinson, a human being (272).” This supports Atticus’s passion for standing for equality, because he specifically states Tom being a human being, which is what we all are, so this symbolizes equality. And finally, my third and final example of Atticus supporting/standing for equality can be found on chapter 20, when Atticus is speaking to the courtroom during his speech, which leads him to say “There is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie (273).” This supports Atticus’s passion for standing for equality, because by what Atticus had said, it shows he sees all as equal because he believes that all had never not told a

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