Atticus Motivation In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To kill a mocking bird: The character motivations of Atticus and scout, jem. Well it would be sort of like shooting a mocking bird wouldn’t it Atticus. I like the movie more than the book, because I can see the action of racism and stereotyped how it was back then. The action began when Atticus was a lawyer for a man named Thomas Robinsons who was black and was called a nigger lover because he tried to let a black have a fair case. In chapter 2 on page 11scout said Atticus nigger lover is just one of these terms that don’t mean anything just like snote nose. It hard to explain ignorant, behavior u see when they thing you favoring Negros over sand above themselves. Truly I think anyone who call someone a nigger lover is racist. In my opion

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