Atticus Finch Parenting Style Essay

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Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, is a character like no other. His composer and wisdom are just mere examples of his unique parenting style. As a single father, Atticus parents in a fair, loving, and non-sheltering way, which should be commended for, as his children are gaining a vast understanding of the world. This parenting style may be frowned upon by others but should be recognized for it’s ability to mature a child and give them a good understanding of the rights and wrongs in society. Throughout the book, Atticus teaches the children the good and bad ways to deal with situations, and how to live with positive morals and values. One of the morals he teaches Jem is courage. Atticus compelled Jem to read to Mrs. Dubose for one month; not out of punishment for ruining her flowers, but to teach him courage. Through that experience, Jem not only learned to have courage, but he also learned how to see people from their point of view. Mrs. Dubose was trying to kick her …show more content…

For example, during the Tom Robinson trial, he taught his children that the colour of your skin should not be the only determining factor in how you are treated. Tom Robinson was black and falsely accused of raping a poor white man’s daughter, Mayella Ewell. The Ewell family was as close to scum as you can get but because they were white, Tom Robinson was sent to prison where he was shot and killed. Atticus did his best to explain the situation to his children and spared little detail. And because of his fair parenting they were able to see that what the jury decided was racist and unfair, but an ordinary outcome that would’ve happened anywhere. This made the children distraught which demonstrates how well Atticus did at showing them equality for all no matter what the colour of your skin

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