Atticus Finch Parenting

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Name some of the finest fathers in English literature. who comes to mind? The list cannot be very long. Though there are many memorable parents in literature, from Vito Corleone, to King Lear, almost none are faultless or flawless. None other than Atticus Finch, widowed father of Scout and Jem in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Control over his temper, an unmatchable demeanor and courtesy toward anyone he comes in contact with, and the standpoint of his children are a few of the innumerable traits that pronounce Finch an outstanding father to Scout and Jem, and perhaps the greatest father in English literature.

Throughout the book, many hurdles impact Finch, but never once does he loses his temper during the events. He remains composed …show more content…

Atticus heeds scout and Jem, but he does not handle them the way children are usually handled. In fact, Atticus never treats anyone the way they would normally be treated by society. When Walter Cunningham, son of Mr. Cunningham, the poor farmer, arrives with Scout for dinner, Finch speaks business with him, discussing the farm, as if he were a grown man. He also does this with his own children. He says: "when a child asks you something answer him... but don't make a production of it". Atticus responds to all questions Jem and Scout ask of him, unless the answer hurts another. He is not troubled exposing his children to racism, sexism, or rape, because he understands that it is more ideal for the children to deal with that matter the proper way, as taught by their father, than the way the neighbours deal with them. Atticus treats everyone with respcet. Whether it is Bob And Mayella Ewell, who's lawyer treats Tom Robinson no better than trash, or wether it is Mrs. Dubose, a neighbour who welcomes Sount and Jem with horrible insults to their family. Great attitude is key and Finch has nailed it down, making him a great parent and a greater role

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