Attachment To Alice Character Analysis

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Dana’s attachment to Alice and her plan to see her be freed; was suddenly altered when Rufus laid his hands on her. As I have discussed in a pervious assignment “The Storm” and “The Rope,” the word “love” can mean many emotions. Jealousy is one of the emotions that arise when: fear, concern, and suspicion take over our body. “I grinned. ‘Get out of here, Sam. ‘Field hands are not the only ones who can be jealous’ (238). She is trying to warn Sam of the dangers that could come if he was caught in her presence. Dana tells us, “I thought of the expression I had seen on Rufus’s face as he looked at this man. ‘Maybe I’m too cautious, but I don’t want you getting in trouble because of me’”(237). From this we can infer Rufus was jealous of Sam speaking

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