Atrial Fibrillation: A Literature Review

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Recently seen arrhythmia in medical practice is, atrial fibrillation (AF). Nowadays, several reports have been made based on anxiety in AF individuals. The purpose of this review is to (1) describe the incidence of anxiety having AF by studying related literature, (2) examines the effect of anxiety on persons which are having AF,(3) give such evidences that show hypothetical relationship among pathophysiology of AF and anxiety, (4) assess the advantage of AF on anxiety treatment, (5) and provide imminent in patients having AF and associated anxiety. This review concluded that there is a multifaceted relationship between AF and anxiety. AF can source anxiety in the patients, and anxiety can generate a situation that is favorable for the instigation and prolongation of AF. Significantly, anxiety affects how the patients recognize their ailment, mainly for women, and influence the healthcare application. The incidence of anxiety may affect the efficiency of various AF therapies. Hence, executing strategies that may decrease anxiety in AF patients can recover treatment consequences, patients HRQOL, and lessen financial problems related to AF.
Key words:Atrial Fibrillation; Anxiety; Cardiovascular disease; Treatment; Epidemiology
1. Introduction
The most serious cardiovascular epidemic that affect about more than three million people in US (Chapa, Thomas, Friesmann, & Akintade 2015) is Atrial fibrillation (AF). Few risk factors which enhance the prevalence rate of AF are, diabetes, male gender, …show more content…

The Association between the Pathophysiology of AF and Anxiety
Various studies have indicated that individual with AF have on enhanced risk of anxiety because of low quality of life. Although, either anxiety initiates AF still not been investigated comprehensively. Now, from Eaker et al. it is clear that anxiety is one of the cause of AF in both male and females above ten year of time period [11]. The information about whether anxiety trigger AF is very

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