Athletic Training Essay

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According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), the definition of athletic training is this. “Athletic training encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of emergent, acute or chronic injuries and medical conditions.” In other words, athletic trainers are to work with athletes or nonathletes, and take care of them. They prevent injuries or disease from happening with proper training, care, and nutrition. If a disease of injury is to occur, then athletic trainers will rehabilitate them to their maximum physical capacity.
Athletic trainers have five main domains in which they can classify their skill sets and qualifications. Domain one, injury and illness prevention, and wellness protection. In this domain, athletic trainers do their best to train athletes to be most efficient without putting themselves at risk of injury or sickness. Domain two, clinical evaluation and diagnosis. If the situation arises, an athletic trainer is qualified to examine his or her athlete, and diagnose their ailment based on the signs and symptoms shown. Domain three, Immediate and emergency care. athletic trainers try their hardest to keep athletes injury free. However, injuries are still
To become an athletic trainer, one must first graduate with a Master’s, or Bachelor’s degree from an accredited athletic training program. Then, he or she must score a passing grade on a test which is administered by the Board of Certification (BOC). Once those two milestones are passed, the individual must progressingly meet education requirements. After having accomplished this, the individual is now an athletic trainer. However, he or she must work under a Physician and comply with the rules which the State Practice Act expresses for an athletic trainer. The State Practice Act is what what we talked about earlier when discussing licenses and

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