Athletic Trainer As A Career

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“What Athletic Trainers actually do…. Athletic Trainers save lives!” The career I choose for my research paper is my future career which is an athletic trainer. Do you like working with different types of people? Do you like sports and helping others when they need help? This career works with different typed of people and different types of sports. Doing this research about this subject made me think if I really want to become an athletic trainer. There many interesting thing about an athletic trainer. Many people don’t know what they do and how to become one. Athletic Trainers are health care professionals who work with injuries from any type of sports. They help athletes out when they get injured during games or practice. Education is needed for this career and also experience on this job. There different places where you could get this job at, later on my essay I will be talking about were salary, benefits and careers opportunities on that job. If you like to be moving everywhere then this would be a great job for you to choose. There are jobs that are the same as athletic trainers. Researching though different things and finding out great things about athletic trainers. You could find athletic trainer any place that they have sports; because they are there to help any athletic that gets hurt. If there are more people that join sports there will be more people that get injured. It don’t matter what age the injured player is the athletic trainer will help you with your injury. If a player gets hurt they will see what’s wrong and help you and get you up and moving. In the North Dakota State University, the athletic trainers have a licensed physician and other health cares. (North Dakota State University ) Some high schools... ... middle of paper ... ...fessional teams and they go everywhere with their player. The outlook is currently 18,200 in the United State. Jobs that are opening each year are about 1,190 in the United State. Their skills have to be in the highest because the players have to depend on you. In the website says “Athletic trainers are usually one of the first healthcare providers on the scene when injuries occur”. ( Working at a high school you need to know all the sports and all the types of injury you could get when you are playing. For example, I was playing soccer with my high school team and one of the girls cut open her head when she when for a header. The athletic trainer rush to help he and he helped her out of the field really gently. Then he saw that he had to call 911because she want that good so he called them. But before all that he knows what he had to check first.

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