At Shame Knife History

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The term ‘athame’ is used by Pagans to refer to a traditionally black-handled knife. This knife is used in ritual and practice dealing directly with energy. This knife is not used for cutting material items. According to Gerald Gardner, the athame is one of the most important tools that a witch uses. The term, athame, is a corruption derivation of the Latin word artavus, which means ‘quill knife.’ One interesting etymology is told by John de Garlande, which he describes the word artavus as being a small knife which varies in length and named after ‘ars.’ This would associate it with arts and crafts used by artisans (Wikipedia).
In my own opinion and point of view, I see the athame as either a knife or a sword. This is because a knife is just …show more content…

Most traditions align the athame with the element fire because the double edge on the blade represents change, action and reactions. However, there are some practitioners who feel that the athame represents the element of air. The athame is associated with the God since it is phallic in appearance and nature. Most pagans, with the exception of kitchen witches, don’t believe in using the athame to cut material or physical items. It is used only to cut astral energy, direct energy, and store energy. Usually the white-handled knife is used to cut material items for magical …show more content…

I feel that what each person uses as an athame is their personal preference and it should be something that feels right. Another misconception is that a new student to the path has to have an athame right away, that it is so important of a tool that the finger cannot just be used until the right blade is found or created. Energy can always be directed energy with the index finger and stored inside a trinket or a piece of jewelry for later use. Since the athame is an important tool, it should take time to find the one that fits

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