Astrobiology Essay

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Assignment #1
Lianna Goldstein

The field of astrobiology has a wide range of possibilities and questions and is changing constantly. Astrobiology broken down is the study of life on earth and surrounding space. Astro relates to space and stars and biology means life, therefore astrobiology. Astrobiology being a very broad term, often starts can start with a broad question. According to Astrobiology at NASA and other astrobiologists, there are many questions that drive research and questions in the astrobiology field.

A major question that piques the interest of many astrobiologists is the topic of whether our life is the only life out “there”. Many astrobiologists ask “What if life as we know it is really not the only life out there?” (MacLeod …show more content…

Life on another planet may originate in a different manner, but at least we’ll have some clues about life’s beginning. We may be able to find compounds on earth that we didn’t know existed from using information we learn about the origin of life on other planets (Scharf 2010/2011, 5-6).

In relation to the previous question, “Can life spread through space itself?” is a common question many astrobiologist ponder. If we find there is life on other planets and we detect how it originated, we can use these clues to figure out if life can travel. This is an important idea to know if our life on Earth can survive on other planets, or if it wilts and dies away (Scharf 2010/2011, 8-10). If our piece of life from Earth survives on another planet then it may mean they are compatible and knowing this will lead to more information about life on other …show more content…

If we know what makes life on earth habitable, we may be able to figure out how to sustain life on other planets. Using our knowledge about life on Earth will enable us to learn more about information on other planets. It is important to compare the life sustained on Earth and the life on another planet, as they could contrast each other greatly. According to NASA, many missions have taken place and many more will continue in the future (Fletcher 2016). The great number of missions operating shows how significant a question like “Is there life?” can be. This one question can unravel into many more sub-questions, such as the questions described

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