Assignment 2: The Creative Art Process

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109 Madison Marquis EXP2 The Creative Arts Process 1.Two things i feel comfortable doing in my future classroom to support the concept of aesthetics for children would be helping the kids become aware of art in their everyday lives and taking children on walking trips to discover and observe the colors, shapes, and textures in trees, plants, clouds, buildings and vehicles. Resources that i would want to use for discovering and observing nature would be making a bulletin board about different types of forests, such as a tropical forest. A background that i would use for helping kids become more aware of art in their everyday life would be having a art wall to hang their art projects from the past and having art shows for parents to see. 2.Three points i would share with this child who created this art work would be color, shape, and creatively. A child response would be explaining in detail about his or her picture. For example, A child would say, I drew a monster, heres the eyes, heres the noise and heres the scary mouth. Complimenting children about there art work gets the child thinking and using creatively to make new picture. …show more content…

The four characteristics of the creative process are: Shape and form, Line, Space,Color (Mayesky, M (2015) p.46-47) This artwork reflects on color because they used primary colors and secondary colors such as violet,orange and blue. The type of shape and form is organic free form and geometric because they used circles,squares and rectangles to created this picture. Space refers to the areas above,below,between,within and around an object. For example: The tree in photo 3-6 had height and width. Young children learn to created space by size and placement of shapes. Lines have a direction like horizontal and vertical in this pictures the houses have straight lines. (Mayesky, M (2015)

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