Assertive Behaviors In Sports

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Aggression is a set of behaviors that are likely to, or have the potential to, cause harm to others, are intended to cause harm, and are goal directed (Berkowitz, 1933). When it comes to sports, aggression can be seen on the field or amongst the fans. It can be a part of the reaction to something happening on the field, or it can be a component of the sport itself.

In sport it is important to understand the difference between aggressive and assertive behaviors. Assertive behaviors are actions, which do not intend to inflict harm, but are aimed at imposing traits such as influence and dominance (Weinberg, 2015). It is often heard coaches instructing their athletes to be more aggressive when they play. One would assume that these coaches are …show more content…

This article explains how aggression is a negative personality trait and it is associated with sport participation (Keeler, 2005). The study ultimately revealed the only differences that were identified were that male and female athletes have varying levels of assertion, assault and indirect …show more content…

The of the most commonly referred to theories on this topic is the frustration aggression hypothesis, which was proposed, by Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mower and Sears in 1939. According to them frustration is often what leads to aggression. Research shows that frustration is more likely to lead to aggression if the aggressive behavior helps to relieve the frustration. They specifically state that frustration does not always result in aggression. There are specific identifiable circumstances where frustration turns into aggression. (Weinberg,

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