Assassin - Original Writing

722 Words2 Pages

Assassin - Original Writing

A drop of blood rolled down his hand; that bright colour red did not

manage to bring about any emotions. He cast a thought back to his

childhood when he fell over and grazed his knee, the sight of blood

made him wild. He was weak. Now he was as cold as a stone and after

taking so many lives, after seeing waterfalls of red gushing out of

his victims.

The assassin was standing on a building crouching so that he would not

be seen. He was a shadow of the night. The rain poured heavily

drenching everything. The temperature was dangerously low but he did

not even shiver. The raindrops smashed against his scarred face, which

was covered only revealing those dark, mysterious eyes. He knew that

he would have to stay still, motionless for hours

before he might be able to move. His strong point was not being able

to move swiftly and elegantly and not even to kill, but to sit like a

predator waiting to attack.

“Rickimaryu, you are doing well,” said his teacher “ you will become

something great one day!”

There stood a young adolescent learning from his teacher, he was tall

and for his age he was very well developed. Despite his sheer strength

and power he had many other talents. He was as agile as a cat and

would often climb trees, swing off branches and even jump out of

windows! His speed and agility were surprising for a boy of his size.

He was also academically gifted and enjoyed philosophy and literature.

With all these talents it was a crying shame that he had no parents,

he was an orphan left on the streets by the killers of his parents.

The only person who he had learnt to love and to trust was hi...

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“Why do you want to kill us? We are not guilty of any crimes!”

“I am here to stop the many crimes that you are planning to commit!”

As soon as he drew his sword it was all over. Many dead bodies lay on

the floor. This bloody sight could not be justice; whether it was for

a good cause or not it was still murder.

The Assassin fell to his knees and began to cry. He had not felt

emotion for years and now could not control himself. Tears flowed down

his cheek and he made whimpering noises.

A guard came from behind and stabbed the assassin. As he felt his

miserable life slip away he thought of all the people he had killed.

He imagined what life would have been like if so many unfortunate

things had not occurred. From where he lay, he could see the night

sky. He closed his eyes and sighed; he was so tired.

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