Aspects of Friendship throughout Different Stages of Life

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Aspects of Friendship in College
Transition from High School to College
College offers a new setting in which young adults can try different activities and identities and form new interests and friendships (Oswald & Clark, 2003). Almost all college students in Oswald and Clark’s (2003) research reported finding a new ‘closest’ friend during the first month of college. Many high school students are leaving home for the first time and their friends are going in opposite directions from them. This causes a strain on these friendships they experience many changes during the first year of college. By the end of the first year, about half of high school friendships drop down to either close or casual friendships. However, maintaining a friendship might be helpful for buffering isolation and promoting adjustments to college. Strong social interaction and positive friendships aid in the adjustment to university life.
Gender is consistently important in the friendships of college students. Research has shown that the friendships of women are deeper, more supportive, closer and lower in conflict when compared to friendships of men (Demir & Orthel, 2011).
Nine years after college, students exposed to diversity at their university reported more diversity in their neighborhood, work and friendship settings (Fischer, 2008). Research found that adults who interacted in diverse settings as children were more likely to have close diverse friendships as adults. Universities and colleges have a compelling concern for recruiting and retaining a diverse student population in order to prepare their attendees for citizenship in a diverse democracy (Park, 2012). Students do not arrive on campus with blank slates; many come with year...

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Oswald, D. L., & Clark, E. M. (2003). Best friends forever?: High school best friendships and the transition to college. Personal Relationships, 10(2), 187-196. doi:10.1111/1475- 6811.00045
Park, J. J. (2012). When race and religion collide: The effect of religion on interracial friendship during college. Journal Of Diversity In Higher Education, 5(1), 8-21. doi:10.1037/a0026960
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