Asma High School Farewell Speech

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My fellow students I know it’s been over 12 years of studying, but little do we know in these years we were making a highly confidential plan to scape for freedom. As Oprah Winfrey the famous TV show host “education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom “so we were trying to get our passport and our key to scape everything and set ourselves free. It’s like a bird that finally got its cage door open we can finally raise our heads up high and fly on our own so from today own we’re supposed to create our own map instead of borrowing one from others. It has been three years since we got into this high school, can you believe we spent three years in high school? I mean it seems like just yesterday we all were lost looking for …show more content…

After these three amazing years I feel overjoyed and privileged to have attended such a wonderful institution of education that is Asma high school. It inspired me and motivated me to be the very best version of me, as many other students. Upon leaving this school, I feel empowered and at ease with the notion that I have gained the knowledge to help me with all my future endeavors. Our whole educational life is a challenge , finishing high school doesn’t mean the end of these challenges , because no matter where we go , or what we do , there are always challenges ahead of us, but what we all need to do is to meet these challenges straight on with our head held up high and our hearts wide open ready for these challenges, I remember three years ago I got home with my report card and my marks had dropped miserably I cried a lot so my father asked me “why are you crying” I was taken back a bit by his question I think he noticed that and continued ‘ you know life is like a long road even though you can’t see the end of it you keep on walking just like all the roads you’ll trip and fall down whether it was a rock , a wood , or

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