Asignment 2

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"Vanishing bodies: 'race' and technology in Nalo Hopkinson's Midnight Robber" is a article published in African Identities at 2009. This article examines how Hopkinson treat modern technology and the disappearing black body. The article retells some plots from the novel, give comparison between Midnight Robber and other Sci-Fi works in different forms, such as movies and books, and explain the process and the meaning of the vanishing black body in Midnight Robber. Overall, Elizabeth Boyle, the author of the essay, derives the issues in a clear, understandable way, but there are a few points that I am not totally agree with the paper.

Boyle mentions many interested points in the essay. She mainly focus on a long word "decorporealization," which, as she believes, does not always appear in mainstream in science fiction, but plays an essential role in African American and Afro-Caribbean literature. However, Midnight Robber is an example, done an excellent job my putting black female body into cyberspace. This is a good research on both the topic of vanishing body and Caribbean fork tales.

Later, the article retells the story and argues about the meanings behind the settings of Midnight Robber, such as 'Granny Nanny' and 'eshu.' She saw those as metaphors of slavery towards blacks. As the essay goes on, the New Half Way Tree is also under the thinking of the author. At the end of the essay the author analysis different decorporealizations of Tan-Tan in the novel.

An important concept in the essay is decorporealization, which is a long word as I assume basically describe the disappearance of the human body. The article mentions three different stages of decorporealization of our heroine. The first one is the Nansi Web, the central AI...

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... saw more difference than similarity between Hopkinson and Butler/Morrison. Although both considered black in the context of US culture, their experience are highly different. Compare with them is same as compare between Bob Marley and Louis Armstrong. Rather than race, I think the symbols in this book has more to do with culture. Some explanation about slavery of black people are lack of evidence, notice that the story of New Half-Way Tree may only be a poor area influenced by any poor condition living area in human history.

Regardless the invalid comparisons, this article rises many interesting issues throughout Midnight Robber, especially focus on the reaction between the body of a black female and the future highly mechanized society. This article does a excellent job demonstrating the relationship between race and technology in Nalo Hopkinson's Midnight Robber.

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