Asian Parents Academic Expectations Essay

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To keep nothing back, Asian parents’ academic expectations of their children is boundless. Asian kids are not born with the excellent grades, but they are taught to prioritize those grades. Parents want their kids to get nothing lower than a B. When they complain about how their fingers are falling off and their pen is running out of ink, they will either get slapped down or given money for another pen. They are fed well, but they do not rest well. The elders believe that an A+ is the passport out of poverty and is the only thing that ensures a bright future for the little ones.Their entire lives revolve around studying so much as they hate to be in school just as much as other kids do. In 2015, a Korean middle school girl, named Sara Kim …show more content…

The Asian American girl had never been the worst student in the reputable Thomas Jefferson High School. She maintained good grades and received her share of academic accolades, winning mostly fourth prizes and honorable mentions in the school's many Math Olympiads, science fairs, and other tournaments. She was even among the best of the best at her high school, which is widely known for its competitiveness. Putting the screws to the limits and beyond by the stress of academic success at all costs, Sara had no choice but to take her parents for a ride. The real concern is, Sara Kim is not the only Asian teen who experience the academical pressure. Compared with high schoolers of other ethnic backgrounds, the oriental ones are more likely to be engaged in a series of deceptions in order to make themselves look exceptional. The average Asian high school student spends 13 hours a week studying and doing homework whereas the white counterpart spends only about 5.5 hours, as reported in 2011 by Valerie Ramey, an economics professor at UC San Diego. Ramey also found that Asians spend less time on sports and socializing than any other ethnic

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