Asian American Women In The 1920s

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The role of American women started to change completely during 1920s. In this paper, I will follow is to identify how American women’s role have changed, describe their difficulties and compare the experiences of Asian American women and African American women.
When the United States entered World War I in 1917, millions of men were sent to join allied forces and many jobs were lack of labors. In the meantime, the war led high deaths and injuries. Therefore, most women had started to take a role to manage families and took the place of men and their jobs as men had gone for flight during the war. According to a research (Consena and Rubio, n.d. P.156), women usually recruited and worked in dangerous job positions, such as air flight, dangerous …show more content…

Asian Americans were viewed as one of the minority groups. During the period of early 1920s, the number of Asian immigrants rose. As many Asian women married aliens for naturalized citizenship. Also, Asians were took over white jobs, causing hatred and social unrest. Therefore, a series of strict and harsh immigration laws targeted to Asians and therefore many Asians women faced a lot of social issues such as discrimination, gender identity and their precarious civic status in a vulnerable society before and during 1920s. For instances. The immigration Act of 1921 and 1924 were introduced and it created another restriction on immigration by forming a stricter quota system. The main purpose of The Acts was to guarantee that they would never qualify for land ownership or naturalization. Meanwhile, in 1922, the Supreme Court declared that Japanese were ineligible for citizenship. Until the Immigration Act of 1924, all Asians were denied to entry the United States. Under the harsh restrictions, many Asians did not receive equal education opportunities and they usually worked as unskilled laborer. Most Asian women, including merchants’ wives worked in shops, canneries, laundries and maintaining the home in the United States. Moreover, they worked as prostitution and paid with copper pennies. However, since many restrictions targeted Asians, they suffered from the …show more content…

African American were also living in poor condition but they then moved to cities in the North from Southeastern states. However, life was also hard, as housing was poor and jobs were often hard to find. Besides, they were also mistreated by the whites. When 19th Amendment ratified by the US Constitution, Southern African Americans women were effectively disenfranchised. However, compare with Asians women, African American women were highly active in engaging suffrage movements and participated in National Women Suffrage Association to fight for the right of vote and gaining economic opportunities. Whilst, Asian American women were tended to attach importance to family. On the other hand, there were also more Mexican American women immigrated from Mexico to Texas in the first decade of the twentieth century. In the 1920s, most Mexican women also worked inside of the home. Even they worked outside of the home, they were often scorned and mistreated as Asian American

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