Article Review Of The Article Analysis Of Brock Tuner's Case

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The author of this article explains how Brock Tuner and his case is the perfect example of Rapist who get off easy and Victims that get no real justice or recognition from the system. It only took two weeks for the court and judge to determine the fairly light sentence for Brock’s actions, 6 months in prison and registering as a sex offender for the rest of his life. The rape of the victim was partially blamed on her by some and her word was not taken into account because she told the nurse after waking up that “she couldn’t remember anything that happened” Which made everything she said in the eyes of the judge invalid. Witnesses saw the victim unresponsive while Brock (the offender) was having intercourse with her while she was incapacitated. …show more content…

Explaining the fact that Brock knew she said she did not remember, and became the person who held all the cards making her defenseless, her own words being “Worst of all, I was warned, because he now knows you don’t remember, he is going to get to write the script, I had no power, I had no voice, I was defenseless.” In addition, the author added the story of Brock and how everything could possibly be blamed on the alcohol, him saying he blamed “the alcohol culture and sexual …show more content…

Most articles would be more leaning to the victim’s side and you showed both sides very well and put the facts up for discussion so I thought I join the conversation and tell my honest opinion of the case. Being a young lady that attends a University as well, there are certain expectations I am expected to follow. Such as “don’t wear revealing clothes, don’t take part in excessive drinking, never walk home alone, don’t be too flirty.” All things said by older men and even some women to prevent such things like what happened to this victim and not to mention the plenty of other women that this has happened to. Blaming the women for the things that happen to them, and in my opinion that’s no one’s right to tell anyone what guidelines to follow to live a rape free life, because rape is an awful, disgusting thing to do to anyone, male or female. It’s not anyone’s right to do anything to anyone without the permission of the person involved. Your article states that because the victim claimed she couldn’t remember anything that her word became invalid to the judge and jury, basically saying she self-incriminated herself, which is the act of exposing oneself to prosecution by being forced to respond to questions, and in my opinion shouldn’t even have been mentioned in the case because a nurse is someone any victim of any crime should

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