Artemis: The Great Orion

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Artemis ? The beautiful one with an enigmatic nature ? Yeah I chose her because she can do anything with her various characteristics . She lived for new challenges and was the most independent of the goddesses . Many people in this society would think of her as a feminist and would also use her bow and arrow as a symbol for hunter . Artemis is as brave and as strong as any man , and can hunt and kill any beast . The myth I'll be evaluating for the next three sites is " The Great Orion " . It has many different aspects / perspectives but to sum it up , Artemis fell in love with this handsome hunter , Orion . In atempts to stop her from giving up her vows of chasity , her brother , Apollo , wagered her into hitting a small black target in the distance with her bow and arrow . Unaware that the target was Orion , who was enjoying a swim , she hit it on her first shot , killing her " lover to be " . She placed orion among the stars due to melancholy . Others {Tell Me a Story: Artemis and Orion, a Greek myth} say that Apollo sent a scorpion to kill Orion first in his dreams then as he woke up (either out of jealousy in their relationship or to keep her sisters honor in tact ) . i chose this particular myth because Orion was her first crush , maybe even love , and although i thought it was cute , it led to a heart-breaking / miserable ending .
In greek mythology Artemis ( also named Diana in roman ) was the daughter of Zeus and Leto , the titan goddess of the unseen . Minutes after her birth , She assisted her mother who was giving birth to her twin brother , Apollo . Her father praised her actions by promising to give her anything she wanted in return . Artemis asked to be able to live in chaste , to be a lifelong bachelorette and...

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...g that I have accomplished , I've discovered many things . I've always loved the idea of women having boy-like characteristics just because I feel that most women are becoming lazy or too girly these days (giving off themselves for money , marrying rich men , etc .) so it's really eye opening to see what Artemis has done . She's everything I see a girl should be ( besides living chaste her whole life , we need to reproduce to survive ...) smart , strong , independent and wanting to be the greatest they could be . If Artemis were to offer any life lessons it would be to stand up for what you believe in and accept yourself , be kind and gentle yet firm and strong , be honest to yourself and others , and finally to stand up for those weaker than you . Artemis represents beauty and strength in women . She was a great goddess that shows to be the best you you could be .

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