Art Therapy In Prison Essay

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In life we have many choices and many different paths we can follow. We are all brought into this world with different opportunities some more than others. What we chose to do with our choices and opportunities shape our personality and qualities. We each are presented challenges in life and the way we react to these challenges help creates our future scenery. If we select to go down the wrong path we might find ourselves incarcerated and under the control of the government. Society creates stereotypes and opinions on individuals without looking in depth to the root of why some individuals can function in society and others are more challenged in the free world. How do we as a population assist these individuals who take the wrong path and end up incarcerated? People might even wonder why that even matters. The fact of the matter is that the majority of the people incarcerated will return to the streets again and into our communities. We have an obligation as society to help steer incarcerated individuals onto the right path. Art therapy in corrections is one way we can assist in accomplishing productive citizens in our community. Children come into this world with open minds and curiosity. They have the ability to learn a wealth of information and it is the tools we …show more content…

Quantitative studies began in 2003 to look at the effectiveness of art therapy with incarcerated persons (Campbell, 2010). The studies included and inmate behavioral study, the formal elements art therapy scale (FEATS), the Beck depression Inventory, short form (BDI-II), and the adult Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control (ANS) (Campbell, 2010). This study showed support for art therapy and that art therapy may help improve mood, behavior, and socialization while increasing internal locus of control (Campbell, 2010). With these positive results more studies are

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