Art Of Rhetoric Essay

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What is the Art of Rhetoric? The art of rhetoric is always used to persuade the audience to the speaker 's point of view. you can find the art of rhetoric in advertisements, documentaries, editorials, speeches from politicians, and teenagers trying to get out of trouble. The art of Rhetoric consists of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. First Ethos is the credibility of the speaker or author. We need to understand why we should believe what the author is trying to say. There are a variety of ways to show Ethos: Work experience, Life experience, the character of the speaker, college degrees, awards, supporting sources, and establishing common ground. Next, when an author appeals to the emotion of the audience, that is called pathos. A speaker using logos consists of facts, statistics, causal statements, experiments, and case studies. Logos shows logical reasoning to the audience, and while Ethos and Pathos are important, Logos helps to give you the final push to persuade the viewer. Facts help to create belief. The Art of Rhetoric can be very effective when used in a documentary. For example, in “Waiting for Superman,” the director uses Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to tell and persuade the viewer that the public school system is broken, which he does very effectively. “Waiting for His mother described his school by saying the first thing you see when you walk in is a desk and a security guard. They applied to a charter academy that was 45 minutes away, his mother said it was worth it if her son could have a better education. He wasn’t drawn in the lottery. Logos When too many students apply for a charter academy, where there are limited spots, the school has to hold a lottery and the students who will attend are chosen randomly. One of the biggest factors is poverty is a huge factor in education when students can’t afford to get out of the broken public school system they can’t get most jobs because nowadays you need some sort of degree in order to make enough money to get out of poverty. The parents know this and believe that without a good education they’re kids will be stuck in poverty. In Philadelphia one prisoner costs $33,000 per year and if they’re in jail for four years, It would cost $132,000 in total to take care of them. Also in Philadelphia one student in a private school costs $8,300 per year and $107,900 for 13 years; with $24,100 remaining for college. So it costs more to send a person to jail for four years than it is to send a child to school for all 13

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