Arrogance In Oedipus The King

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Sophocles’ presents a complex character at the center of his play, Oedipus the King. The tragic flaw of Oedipus is his daring pursuit of the truth at any cost. His attempt to alter his fate is reasonable, but his actions along the way are reckless. Oedipus’s actions are harmful even while his intentions may seem honorable. Sophocles’ play delivers a message that serves as moral caution; that even when people’s fate seems beyond their control, they are still responsible for the consequences of their actions. From the start, Oedipus’ overconfidence in his abilities is apparent. He believes he has averted a prophecy from the oracle, and it is this determination and his superior intellect that has allowed him to defeat the Sphinx and rescue Thebes. Now as king, a plague ravages the city, and Oedipus awaits help from an oracle. The solution calls for riding the city of the killer of the previous king. Confident in his task Oedipus boast, “Then once more I must bring what is …show more content…

He justifies his actions, “By avenging the murdered king I protect myself” (Parodos.143). Oedipus seems convinced he can determine the course of events. While investigating the king’s murder, the seer Teiresias, is brought before Oedipus, because his ability to perceive the prophesies of the gods. This character plays a key role explaining Oedipus’ fate. Teiresias tells Oedipus he is blind to the truth but it is his hasty reactions that cause him the most trouble, “You call me unfeeling. If you could only see / The nature of your own feelings...” (1.120-121). It is precisely this recklessness that Teiresias points out that will be Oedipus’ down fall. Oedipus’ abuse of Teiresias brings the revelation that Oedipus is his father’s murderer, and that Oedipus’ crimes are responsible for the plague upon Thebes. Oedipus has ruined his entire family and everything he has achieved in an attempt to determine his own

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