Arresting Batterers is Not The Solution

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Arresting Batterers is Not The Solution

Does arresting batterers do more harm than good? For this debate my side is the

con and I will give ideas and support to their views. Before I get started I just want to say

that I don’t condone husbands beating their wives at all, and many others feel the same

way. Battering is a learn behavior you are accountable for your own actions and must

face the serve consequences ahead. Many people believe that what is happening in there

own home is unique but it is not because it occurs in all family households all over the

world. In one survey one quarter (25%) of United States couples report at least one

incident of physical aggression occurring between them during the course of their

relationship. Physical and emotional abuse of a partner or family member is never o.k.

but has we learned in class that some societies allow it and see it has being ok. Domestic

Violence is a major social problem that we face today has a society and it is hard to solve

because it is hidden and not reported much. Cops are not trained in domestic violence

disputes so for them the answer is just to arrest and send the guy to jail is that the best

solution? The women have the choice of leaving and starting a whole knew life but it’s

not has simply has it sounds. These men put fear in their minds and in most cases for

some odd reason things women still stay with them because they say they still love them

and want to be with them. It’s one of those issues that when dealt with it’s a hard task to

approach and solve. There are many people involve you have the children to think about

so it’s hard to please all the party’s but something has...

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... is based on jealousy that stems from

deep insecurities. In the treatment programs we are trying to teach and educate the

batterers that what they are doing is wrong and takes responsibility for their actions and

and want to chance for the better.

Is there a way out? Does fear and angry always have to be a part of our lives.

However, through intervention and education, individuals can learn non- violent

strategies to deal with anger and domestic violence issues. Jails aren’t taking steps to

break the cycle of having the batterers coming back. We need to change is the sense of

entitlement- that it is their right to control the lives of their partners. It has shown in

reports that treatment programs can work and be successful the ranged from 53% to 85%

of batterers when the come out of the program don’t go back to old ways.

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