Army Health Services Professional Scholarship

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I am applying for the Army Health Services Professional Scholarship because my goal, which I’ve had since high school, is to become a physician in the Army. I see this opportunity as not only a phenomenal way to get through medical schools without accruing significant debt, but also as an opportunity to serve my country in a field that fascinates me. I initially chose to pursue medical school because I saw all the good in the world my father does as a physician. Whether he was stitching up friends after somebody caught an elbow in a backyard basketball game, watching him calmly handle an emergency situation with a crowd of concerned bystanders looking on, or evaluating me for a sickness or injury, I came to realize just how special his job was. The ability to heal someone is a powerful thing, as is the ability to know what to do in an emergency situation when someone’s life is on the line. I have looked into a obtaining a scholarship with the Army because I believe that military service is something that any good patriot should do. I thought about completing an ROTC scholarship for my undergraduate schooling, but chose against when I found I might …show more content…

This is something that I look forward to, and will not shy away from when the opportunity presents itself. I have a cousin, Major Ryan Walk, who completed this same program a number of years ago and I follow his successes in the military. He is another role model of mine, and he provided me with plenty of advice throughout my time as a student to help me achieve my goal. Further, I have many close friends and family members who are part of the Army, and, along with the many benefits that becoming an Army physician has in and of itself, their influence is certainly felt as another motivating factor for pursuing a career in Army instead of the Air Force or

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