Exploring Arms and Armor: A Visit to the Metropolitan Museum

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Throughout much of recorded history, warfare, sumptuary laws, and class status have incorporated the use of arms and armor into their typical fashion. The Arms and Armor exhibit, which includes the Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Arms and Armor Court showcase, is located on the first floor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and it features various types and styles of armor and its related costumes throughout many periods and regions. Although I have seen photographs and illustrations of many of the costumes I observed, the experience of seeing numerous examples of armor in person was very informative and incredible. The minute and intricate detail, the diverse functions, and the worldly outlook made the experience one I would definitely repeat. The exhibit consisted of various weapons, including swords, guns, and arrowheads, as well as full armor, from helmets and skirts to horse armor. Prior to my visit, I had never imagined how many pieces a full suit of armor consisted of. The cuirasses, greaves, and hauberks were abundant, and many resembled those seen in the paintings and tapestries I had previously studied. However, seeing the additions of collar plates, breast and back plates, vambraces, barbutes, and other intricate and important pieces …show more content…

Many societies were addressed, and being able to see actual garments worn by humans long since passed into history or legend was an amazing, eye-opening experience. Not only did I learn more about the styles and functions of armor, but I was able to see the finely crafted, personalized work of artists of a particular trade. I will undoubtedly revisit the exhibit, as the numerous amount of detail and craftsmanship is worth seeing again. Overall, I have a newfound respect for not only those who worn the intricate costumes, but also those who

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