Aristotle Vs Descartes Research Paper

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Epistemology Lisa Araujo
Western Connecticut State University Just as most philosophers, Aristotle and Descartes have some similarities and many differences on their ideas about the definition of knowledge and truth. Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics discusses the origin of knowledge and how it relates to something real such as demonstration, memories, perception. In Descartes’ Meditations it seems as though he uses doubt to define knowledge, he uses God and matter to explore his ideas. Aristotle and Descartes are similar because they both use inductive reasoning in their theories. They are very different because Aristotle’s main idea relates to principles that he believes lead to understanding and knowledge, on the other hand …show more content…

Aristotle believes that knowledge has to be connected to something real and discusses universals. On the contrary Descartes focuses on his ‘I think therefore I am’ statement. Those theories are different because I think that Aristotle’s idea stems from other events while Descartes’ statements originate from personal existence. Aristotle mentions how perception is present in animals, and how perception leads to memories and experiences which all play a part in knowledge. “And from experience, or from the whole universal that has come to rest in the soul (the one part from the many, whatever is one and the same in all those things), there comes a principle of skill and of understanding of skill if it deals with what is the case” (Stanley, 2003, p.426). I think that Aristotle believes that perception, memory, skill, and understanding, are all the parts of the whole that makeup knowledge. In contrast, Descartes connects his theory to his only certainty which is existence, and from there he questions if a higher power may be controlling his thoughts. Descartes even doubts his existence in a sense, “But what am I, now that I suppose that there is a certain genius which is extremely powerful, and, if I may say so, malicious, who employs all his powers in deceiving me?” (Stanley, 2003, p.431). Both Aristotle and Descartes have uncertainty in their beliefs about the definition of knowledge. And

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