Arguments Against Flag Burning

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Many people have strong feelings regarding the American flag and the ideals for which it stands. Some, including many U.S. senators, feel that flag burning is disrespectful to our country, its people and especially the soldiers who fought to protect it. they believe that the american flag deserves protection and respect. Other, including the U.S. supreme court in 1989 and 1990, feel that flag burning is a form of symbolic speech that should continue to be protected by the first amendment to the U.S. constitution. Why Flag burning is illegal. They contend that it is the very type of freedom for soldiers are fighting. It was shortly before the Fourth of July in 1989—two centuries after the Constitution of the United States took effect—when the …show more content…

“Reverence for the flag is ingrained in every schoolchild who has quailed at the thought of letting it touch the ground, in every citizen moved by pictures of it being raised at Iwo Jima or planted on the moon, in every veteran who has ever heard taps played at the end of a Memorial Day parade, in every gold-star mother who treasures a neatly folded emblem of her family’s supreme sacrifice.” Yet, he continued, that was precisely the reason why the court, in the case Texas v. Johnson, declared that federal and state laws that protect the flag are in violation of free-speech protections. The flag is so revered because it represents the land of the free, and that freedom includes the ability to use or abuse that flag in protest. Almost immediately after the ruling was made, President Bush proposed a solution: a constitutional amendment that would exempt flag-desecration as protected speech. But the legislative branch struck first and passed the Flag Protection Act of 1989, which made it criminal to desecrate the flag, regardless of motive. Protesters responded quickly by burning flags, in an attempt to get the issue back to the Supreme Court. Almost exactly a year after Texas v. Johnson, their wish came true. In United States v. Eichman, which was decided exactly 25 years ago, on June 11, 1990, the Supreme Court once again ruled that burning the flag was an example of constitutionally

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