Arguments Against Censorship Of The Internet

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Over time the internet has influenced the world majorly. Thousands of people of all ages depend greatly on the internet. The internet is used in many ways some different then others but overall is a necessity to today’s world. As we all know the internet has many websites filled with many different topics, however not all topics can be seen due to censorship. Censorship is when one cannot view a website as they wish because it had been blocked. Censorship can be very frustrating, and shouldn't be in existence for many different reasons. The first reason the et shouldn't be censored is easy. Censorship of the internet is against the law. Our first amendment of the United states constitution states that we have freedom of speech, press assembly, and petition without government interference. This amendment obtains to the internet and is a major reason why censorship should not, and cannot happen. We have every right to view and research any topic as we wish, censorship of the internet shouldn't be allowed. …show more content…

But are not able to do so with some website being censored or being blocked. From once being a high school student and having to do many research papers, it is found to be very frustrating when a website one wants to look at is censored or blocked. It causes him or her to spend anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour to actually find a source that is not blocked or censored. This reason is another big reason as to why censorship should not

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