Death with Dignity: An Unexplored Right to Die

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Ever since 1994, four states in the USA have legalized death with dignity laws. With only about four percent of the country legalizing this law, people should have the right to end their journey without all the suffering and pain. Think about it ; it helps end their life long sufferings and pain. This can help reduce the healthcare financial situation on the family. Also, the dying ill patients can have their final sayings and goodbyes to their loved ones. With no more fear ahead of them, they have the final option of dying with great dignity. The right to die is the right of a terminally ill person to refuse life sustaining treatment. Every single human being on this Earth is born and eventually has to die. It is a part of life. No one knows how they will spend their last minutes alive. Every person should have the right to choose when they take their …show more content…

They leave their family in dismay, and some people even mourn for their loved one. Although the right to die law takes lives early, the patient has enough time to do whatever their last breath will take. Brittany Maynard, who was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, moved to Oregon to take advantage of the right to die law. She knew that death was coming early to take her, so she decided to take euthanasia a few days after her husband’s birthday, October 26. Knowing well, that her condition would be worse by her birthday, November 19, she decided that November 1 would be the last day of her life. She would spend her last few years traveling and volunteering. “ I am proud of the life I have lived,” says Maynard. “ I am happy I did all the traveling and volunteering I did. I would never take back any of those choices (Egan 68).” She left this world with her final sayings and fun times. Her family and husband state that she lived a pure life with no regrets. Every ill patient wants to have their final breath knowing that they were surrounded by

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