Argumentative Essay On Vegan Menus

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Ever thought to yourself before you dug into that perfectly cooked steak or that juicy chicken what that animal went through to get on your plate? What that cow had to go through or that chicken? A lot of people do not think about it. Among mammals 41,700,000 cows and calves were killed for food in 2000, as well as 115,200,000 pigs and 4,300,000 sheep, for a total of 161,200,000. (Animal liberation front ). Being vegan does not mean you can’t go out to eat, or have good tasting food or can’t have big muscles that come from protein of the meat you eat. There are many restaurants everywhere that offer vegan menus and what people don't know is that the food they eat on a day to day bases could be vegan. A lot of men turn their nose up at becoming vegan because they think that if they cut out meat and dairy they’re cutting out their protein and fats out of their diet, but there are many other ways to get protein besides eating meat and consuming dairy. People should try a vegan lifestyle to improve and prolong their health. In the documentary Vegucated Marissa Wolfson took three people from New York and for six weeks and they all …show more content…

Restaurants around the world have created menus for vegans. 16 million people in this country eat absolutely no animal products. (The raw food world). Almost every restaurant has at least one vegan dish. Many don’t know that some foods they eat everyday is vegan. For example oreos, Jello, pop tarts and teddy grahams are all vegan. Becoming vegan does not mean you have to cut everything out that you love eating. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), which is the minimum amount you need to be healthy, is 0.8 grams per kilogram (0.36 grams per pound) of body weight per day—46 grams for an average woman. That equals as little as 10% of daily calories (health). The difference from getting protein from vegan foods and from an animal are no animals die in the

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