Argumentative Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

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As in the current fight for the safety of the young undocumented immigrants, several news channels have been pushing the issue. it has come from the fact that President Donald Trump balances the future of the "dreamers" emigrants who were brought into the United States illegally as children. Trump made his feelings quite clear on Barack Obama's immigration efforts while he was competing for office. "We will immediately terminate President Obama's two illegal executive amnesties, in which he challenged the federal law and the Constitution," Trump announced during a campaign rally. But he seemed to change his point of view after the election.

"They shouldn't be very worried; they are here illegally I do have a big heart. We're going to take care of everybody," said President Trump during an interview with ABC back in January. The president told ABC News the young undocumented immigrants had nothing to fear, but Clare Hanusz with the Hawaii Coalition for Civil Rights says the "dreamers" are very bothered. Five years ago President Obama gave the undocumented immigrants the legal status with the "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" program, DACA. However, now ten traditional states are advancing to sue if the Trump Administration does not put an end to the DACA program by September 5th. …show more content…

Hirono said if Trump stops DACA, more than an estimated 800,000 young people over the US, as well as approximately 600 in Hawaii, could probably be deported. "The possibility of that happening is just another illustration of the president considering a policy that really has no basis in factual foundations," said Hawaii Attorney General Doug

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