Argumentative Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

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Illegal immigration in the United States has been a continuous problem for many years: Do undocumented immigrants benefit the economy and the safety of the society? Is the United States responsible for the care of these people? With Republicans as well as social and economic conservatives giving illegal immigrants a bad reputation, naming them criminals, for example, others believe that all undocumented immigrants do not deserve benefits because they “undercut wages, and take jobs that would otherwise go to Americans. Worse, the argument goes, many use social programs, like hospitals, and schools that cost tax payers and add to the 16 trillion-dollar national debt,” states Adam Davidson from the New York Times. There continues to be a negative connotation against undocumented immigrants in general; however, one never focuses their attention on the children who were not given …show more content…

Before, they received no government assistance; however, this changed when President Obama enforced the executive order, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). This gave young adults who entered the US illegally a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation, being eligible for a work permit and a higher-level education. 800,000 people were affected, giving them a chance to support their families out of poverty and most importantly, living freely in the only country they call home. Although DACA has helped many underprivileged people, the order did not last, as the Trump administration rescinded the executive order this September. Because DACA is not a constitutional law in the US and President Trump sees to banish the order, there will not be a program like DACA unless Congress does something from now until March to not only benefit hard-working immigrants but to ensure constructive progress in the

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