Argumentative Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

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When it comes to the topic of immigration and providing a pathway to citizenship for immigrants that entered that United States illegally, there are as many varying opinions as there are Americans. Most recently, the topic of immigration was brought into the national spotlight during the 2016 Presidential election. During rallies and debates, the issue was discussed by all sides, receiving both positive and negative reactions. As immigration continues to be a heavily debated topic, there are many more complex and contrasting viewpoints arising. However, many perspectives about immigration cannot be simply defined, due to the depth and impact of the issue. At times the opinions we hear most are those that are strongly for or against the issue. But to understand the …show more content…

The fear of deportation or other repercussions that may follow if they publicly voice their opinion is what leads many undocumented immigrants to live in the shadows. Many also have minor children whom they want to watch grow up, therefore, they choose to remain unseen and unheard. With over 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, they are the silent majority. According to the New York Times, “about 60 percent of the unauthorized population has been here for at least a decade” (Yee, Davis, & Patel 2017). This could be translated to show that undocumented immigrants intend to stay in the United States and seek a permanent solution to the immigration problem that would allow them to stay legally. To undocumented immigrants, the proposal to change in immigration policy is urgent. It could be the difference between facing deportation or a higher quality of life while living in the United States compared to their country of origin. However, their inability to voice their opinions make for the loss of exigency in the

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