Argumentative Essay On The Ugly Truth

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Divorce: The Ugly Truth Have you ever heard of a divorce being easy to cope with? Being a child of a broken home I can tell you divorce is not easy nor pretty. When I was just six years old I witnessed, my dad packing up his stuff and moving out. I was so young I had no idea what was going on; I just thought he was going out of town for a meeting. Divorce is hurtful for not only the spouses, but everyone around them. Being a child of a broken home is more extreme than most think. Divorce at a very young age taught me to be strong, independent, and strong willed. All my life I had been daddy’s little girl, even now. After my parents’ divorce was finalized, I remember my dad picking me up every other day after school; we would go get a coke and a snack then go to the park or simply just drive around. I always felt like my time with my dad was cut short due to visiting hours and my mom would never let me stay over or even talk to him on the phone. I vividly remember a time when my mom and dad got in an …show more content…

If you are friends with the couple before they get a divorce you should choose which side you’re going to be on. Automatically the spouses’ family usually chooses each other’s family member, but that doesn’t include friends. Divorce also causes friendships to end and grudges to be held. I remember my parents having a very close group of friends and they would hangout every Friday night; sometimes they would go to the bar and sometimes they would just build a fire and sit around it and drink while the kids would play and have sleepovers. After the divorce, I rarely saw that group of friends together and if they were either my mom or dad didn’t show up. It’s also hard for the families. I remember before the divorce every holiday both families would get together and have a huge feast. After the divorce, I was shuffled from house to house for holidays and to be honest I didn’t enjoy it

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