Argumentative Essay On The Death Penalty

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Whether because of financial reasons, moral reasons, or societal pressure, over two thirds of the countries in the world have abolished the death penalty in law or practice; so I ask, should the United States insist on having the death penalty as a form of punishment?

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics among Americans today. Since every person has their own opinion on this topic, either for or against.In this argument, I 'm going to present the two sides of the issue, in order to objectively, come to a conclusion.


Death penalty serves as fear for those who have in mind to commit a high level crime such as murder. This fear increase the probability of making the potential felon think twice before committing …show more content…

Abolishing death penalty could be dangerous because it could potentially lead to more tragic events, for example, if a murder in prison with some luck gets out free, it could lead to the death of more innocent people.

The death penalty should be applied to crimes that are very serious, such as kidnapping and murder. only such crimes deserve a punishment as severe as this, and most of the time these offenders receive a sentence that does not compensate for the harm they have cause and with the death penalty sentence would be the just only and the best punishment to punish criminals, in the same way they committed …show more content…

However, advocating for the complete abolishment of death penalty right away won 't be a good step. the first step we should do is trying to advocate to limit the scope of death penalty in the states.

The reasons why countries have abolished the death penalty. For some nations, it was a broader understanding of human rights. Spain abandoned the death penalty in 1995, stating that: "the death penalty has no place in the general penal system of advanced, civilized societies . . . .What more degrading or afflictive punishment can be imagined than to deprive a person of his life . . . ?" Similarly, Switzerland abolished the death penalty because it constituted "a flagrant violation of the right to life and dignity "

In my opnion, the death penalty goes against everything we stand for as a nation. It is cruel and usual, which violates the eighth amendment that states "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments

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