Argumentative Essay On Taxes For Welfare

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U.S. citizens should not be forced to pay taxes for welfare because it’s a waste of tax money, people should be able to support themselves, and a lot of people abuse the system.
Taxes pay for a lot of really important things, so we shouldn’t be wasting all of that money on people who could potentially help themselves. As of a 2015 data 10% of american taxes are spent on welfare. This may not seem like a lot but that 10%, is around $362,000,000,000! (Policy Basics page 1) I know for people who actually pay taxes that it might not seem like this but almost 70% of the taxes we pay go directly back to the people.( Policy Basics page 1) I find this is very flawed that we take money from people only to give it to other people. A report from Vicki …show more content…

Now I'm not saying every case is like this, in fact most of them probably aren’t. Every situation is different and most people on welfare probably are working hard to get a job, but there are those few people who have a different agenda. They’re mindset would be if I can do nothing all day except watch tv and still get paid by the government then what's the point of getting a job. I don’t blame any of these people for thinking those things, it’s like saying you can do nothing on a school assignment and still get a B on said assignment! If that we’re an option at school I will tell you more than half of the students at Tippecanoe Middle School would opt for that instead of working. The point of school is to set students up for the future, to prepare them for future jobs and to help them get through life. If you can’t take the easy way out of school, then why should you be able to do it in life? You shouldn’t. Yet $50,000,000,000 are lost each year due to welfare fraud (Lake page 1). An average person with an average day spands 44% of their time working, while a person with no job spends almost the exact amount of time (41%) watching tv. (US Bureau page 1) I don’t know the people who spend 41% of their time watching tv, I don’t know their situation, but I do know that's a lot of time spent doing

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