Argumentative Essay On Syrian Refugees

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With the threat of ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, lurking around the corner, Syrian refugee’s innocence has been put into question. On November 13, ISIS, an Islamic extremist military group, conducted 7 shootings in Paris, France, that killed over 140 people. This horrendous tragedy shook the world and has caused ISIS to become widely considered as the main homeland security threat to America. Also, due to the civil war that is taking place in Syria, millions of Syrian natives have fled to other countries, including the united state. While link between these two events is unquestionable, whether or not to conclude that ISIS’s most efficient way of entering the United States is as a fake Syrian refugee is very controversial. This …show more content…

When people allude to the United States of America, the connotation is a place of happiness, freedom and rebirth. A place in which people came to escape religious, political and social discrimination and have a new and improved life. However, I am not naive enough to say that America has always followed these rules. For example, the 1800’s United States’s desire for manifest destiny and the pain it caused Native Americans as well as the seemingly endless racial tensions between Caucasians and African-Americans. However, the solution to the Syrian refugee crisis should be reflective of the morals that I have previously stated. These refugees are looking for a better life from the oppressive government that lies in Syria, thus it is the right thing to do to allow them to set foot in America. While I do understand the possible threat of an ISIS member pretending to a Syrian refugee, Cruz’s method is flawed because said ISIS member can pretend to be a christian and Trump is denying 10,000 people due to the slim chance that a few of them are ISIS members. As aforementioned, they conduct immense background checks that take eighteen to twenty-four months so it is highly unlikely that an ISIS member would succeed in entering into the country. This controversy reminds me of the internment of Japanese Americans, in which paranoia that there could be a few spies within America lead to the confinement of over 110,000 people. In total, it is illogical that one specific isolated incident of an ISIS member being able to enter France with a forged Syrian refugee passport should cause the government to create legislation that contradicts the very morals with which the founding fathers created this country

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