Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage

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Same sex marriage is one of the important political matter discussed in United states today. With the legalisation of same sex marriage by the Supreme court, it has become a hot topic for debate nationwide. "Marriage is a unique kind of relationship that involves a man and a woman and their ability to create new life in the form of children.” The religious community in America is divided on the issue on same sex marriage and the morality of homosexuality. Though marriage is defined as the union between man and women, the legalisation of same-sex “marriage” is proposing something different. It is denying the biological and psychological differences between man and woman who find their fulfilment in marriage and procreation. Marriage is considered as one of the building blocks of the society which builds the community and the society. Providing legal rights for same sex marriage violates the natural laws, denies the best interests of the child and obscures basic moral values in the society. Same sex marriage violates the natural laws. Marriage is a commitment between man and wife. It is governed by the natural laws and human nature. Same sex marriage promotes union between two man or two women thus denying …show more content…

Homosexual activists compare the same-sex “marriage” as a civil rights issue just like the fight for racial equality in the 1960s. This is wrong because sexual behavior and race are two different realities. A man and woman of different background, whether one is black or white, poor or rich, tall or short, may want to marry each other. None of these differences can be considered as barriers to marriage. As they are man and woman, the requirements of nature can be considered and respected. But homosexuality opposes nature and the union of homosexuals are biologically impossible. So, comparison of same sex marriage to racial equality cannot be considered as valid

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