Argumentative Essay On Raisins

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Before the claymation group, California Raisins, became popular people shunned raisins because of their appearance. After all, what could a dry, wrinkly fruit have to offer that we couldn’t get from more appealing fruit? But the more this shriveled grape quartet belted out tunes like “I’ve Heard it through the Grapevine,” the more intrigued we became. Soon, everyone was touting raisins’ benefits. At the height of the raisins craze, experts cited a number of nutritional benefits-- boron, for healthy bones; fiber to promote a healthy digestive tract, prebiotics, which stimulate good bacteria; and antioxidants, which help protect the body from free radicals. Case in point, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association and …show more content…

It harmonizes the blood, arranges nutrients, synthesizes proteins, and moves harmful substances out of the body. Prescription drugs, improper diet, and environmental factors can accumulate in the body causing the liver to malfunction. If the liver is not functioning properly serious illnesses and diseases can occur. Queue raisins. One of the best ways to cleanse and detoxify the liver is by consuming raisins. In fact, steeping raisins in water before consuming them will balance the liver quickly and improve overall health. Opt for dark, organic raisins with a dull, wrinkled appearance. Ideally, the raisins should have stems, which indicate that they have been harvested naturally. All you need is a ½ cup of raisins and boiled water. Soak a 1/2 cup of raisins in water for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Next, place the raisins in a cup and fill it with boiled water. Cover for at least eight hours. Drink the raisin water on an empty stomach and then lie down for at least an hour. It is recommended that you place a hot water or hot compress on the right side of the abdomen to help loosen stomach muscles. Repeat once a week for four months, and then every six

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