Argumentative Essay On Quitting Traditional High School

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I`ve made a lot of decisions in my short life however, none of them may be as crucial or life changing as the one I made this year. I`m quitting traditional high school, yes you heard that right, I am quitting traditional high school. Some of my reasons for doing so apply exclusively to my personal situation. However, most of the reasons that pushed me to leave traditional high school apply to everyone. In this article, I`m just going to cover the reasons that everyone should consider leaving traditional high school. After this I will do an article about alternatives to regular high school and talk about what I`m personally doing instead of attending regular high school. Just a quick disclaimer this is my opinion and a lot of this is based on personal experience (I can just hear my English teacher cringe as I write this article from the first person). However, I think most students, and teachers would agree with most of the statements I am about to make, now let’s get started.
Firstly, it is has been proven and agreed upon by multiple experts that western education is outdated, but no far reaching reforms have been enacted yet. When standardized …show more content…

When is the last time a school taught someone how to do their own taxes? Or file for a mortgage? Invest in the stock market? Provide internships to help us decide what we want to do in the future? Work together on something with real world applications? Teach us how to budget? Public schools teach none of these things. Many would argue it is the job of the parents to teach many of these skills. However, many parents don`t do this, and many more parents just aren’t around to teach their kids these essential skills, and some don’t know how to do any of things correctly themselves. This is why it should be the responsibility of public schools to at least gives us an introduction to some of these

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