Argumentative Essay On Love

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Love. Probably the most exhilarating, fascinating, incredible experiences humans have the opportunity to have. It is natures beautiful way of keeping the human species alive, and prospering. A cocktail of chemicals in our brain entices us to fall in love. It takes between approximately 90 seconds and 4 minutes to decide you are interested in someone. When you experience being in love your adrenaline kicks in (the chemical responsible for the butterflies in your stomach and your heart racing), your serotonin level rises causing you to constantly think of your new found love interest, and your dopamine level rises (the chemical responsible for desire and reward). You need the perfect amounts of all these chemicals to feel in love, too much or …show more content…

So to say that the bible is insignificant and bears no impact on the way we think would be ignorance. The bible may say that marriage must be between a man and woman but it also says that a marriage shouldn’t be severed by a divorce (for example, in Malachi 2;16 where it is said “the god of Israel HATES DIVORCE . Jesus himself said nothing on the matter of homosexuality and yet he was very clear on divorce, so why are gay people the only people who must follow the biblical law? As society has evolved so has our views and laws, although some still stemming somewhat from the bible, we have moved past the closed minded ways of the bible into a more culturally accepting and non-discriminating society. Saying that homosexuality and the marriage of homosexual individuals is wrong and should be outlawed because of our dominant religion is absurd, especially considering that a large proportion of society today doesn’t even affiliate themselves with the bible at …show more content…

However marriage for procreation would exclude those that are infertile, those that do not marry before conceiving and those that choose altogether not to have children even if legally married. Also the continuing advances in science has actually shown a way that it is possible for women to create a child using the bone marrow of a woman, however there is only the ability of conceiving a female child and not a male. This has not yet been successfully demonstrated in the full form of an embryo but it does prove that lesbian relationships would be able to procreate and therefore they should marry, right? To say that homosexual couples should not marry because they are unable to naturally create a child is

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