Argumentative Essay On Keep A Child Alive

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I didn’t have to think long at all before I thought of a topic that really interests me: the Keep a Child Alive organization co-founded by the amazing singer/songwriter Alicia Keys. I first heard about Keep a Child Alive from the music video for Alicia Keys’ song “Teenage Love Affair”. One of the scenes in the beginning before the song starts is of a college campus rally and shows a student announcing over a megaphone that there is an epidemic in Africa and that if we all work together we can change the world, that he can’t do it alone. There are other students holding signs that say “AIDS + Ignorance = Death” and another sign that says “Keep a Child Alive”. I’ve always been interested in protest culture and people standing up for what’s right and speaking up so I thought it was really cool that my favorite musical artist included a scene like that in her video. When I started researching Keep a Child Alive and what they stand for I was very impressed and filled with hope. Part of …show more content…

Some shift ‘foster’ homes several times as even their guardians die. Others lose contact with siblings shunted to different households. They lose opportunities and fear that they, too, are infected with HIV. And because of the silence surrounding HIV and AIDS, they worry alone about their future…The strain of parental illness and death trigger anxiety, fear, sadness, withdrawal, and depression. Many children in Africa are growing up in the relative absence of adult love, protection, and guidance...Stigma and discrimination also contribute to the emotional toll of AIDS. Neighbors keep a distance for fear of infection and gossip about infected parents. Peers commonly tease and isolate the children. Teachers may turn children away for lack of school supplies, with no consideration of their family circumstances. And guardians who experience orphans as a burden may shun them, neglect them, or

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