Argumentative Essay On Hair Dying

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There is a new trend going around the world today. The trend is the belief that “beautiful hair” is a certain texture, or a certain color. Many African Americans believe that beautiful hair is not the kinky texture that comes out of their scalp, but rather the versions of Caucasians races hair texture, straight. African-Americans chemically relax their hair in order to have straight hair. Meanwhile other races such as the Caucasians seem to not have a problem with their hair texture, but rather the color. Studies have shown that many Caucasians prefer the color blonde to the brunette. These people tend to put chemical hair dye in their hair to change the color. The people who do this, I believe that they are not aware of the harmful things that are in the chemicals and the risks that it puts to their health. Both hair relaxers and hair dyes cause harm to the body inside and out, and people should be informed on this matter. Hair Dyeing is nearly as old as time itself. It is an ancient art that involves treatment of the hair with many chemical compounds. Hair Dying began in 300 B.C. and is constantly improving its formula. In 3400 B.C. Egyptians used a safer method of hair dyeing. Egyptians used henna to camouflage their gray hairs. Henna is non-damaging and does not last as long as other chemical filled dyes. Henna only coats the hair shaft and binds it with keratin, it did not and still does not change the color. Henna lasts an average of six weeks. Henna is a plant that can be grown in Asia and Africa. The henna dye is usually mixed with lemon juice to activate the dying power. The lemon juice helps open the hair follicle so that the color can ... ... middle of paper ... ... think about the harm they cause to others. Many consumers such as hairdressers do not even bother to find out what are in the chemicals they are using. The question was asked to local hairdressers around the town of Yazoo, “Do you know or care what is in the hair products that you use?” Many of the answers they gave seemed to give the idea that the products were only a money maker, and in order to make the money they have to please the people. When people use these chemical filled products, they do have to wash them out. Many do not even bother to think about where these chemical filled waters go. The chemicals go in our drinking water, our showers and bathtubs, the water that we brush our teeth and wash our face with. Yet and still people continue to use them to this day. Maybe in the future the world will create healthier ways to color and straighten the hair.

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