Argumentative Essay On Gasoline Cars

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I believe that the concept for the use of electric and solar powered cars should be transitioned in place of environmental impacting gasoline cars. In fact, 75% of pollution is caused by the harmful fumes that cars put out. Not only would electric and solar powered cars be good for the environment, but it would also help you save money on gasoline. Cars that were powered other ways than gasoline showed to have more enhanced engine efficiency and they’re significantly quieter. Even though the idea of gasoline cars was a legendary idea, other forms of power for cars are a lot better. Cars that are powered would be ultimate compared to today's gasoline cars. Formidable

Cars that use gasoline pollute the environment so much that 1500 million cubic tons of carbon dioxide spread into Earth's atmosphere every year. With being said, Earth grows warmer by 1.3° Fahrenheit every 100 years and if nothing is done about this, Earth will be 13° Fahrenheit warmer every millennium, making a hot summer day more than 100°. By that point, most of Antarctica and any other ice covered area will be mostly gone because of the high temperatures. Once the ice is gone sea levels would rise because of all the melted ice and cause disasters like floods or tsunamis. …show more content…

An average electric car can go 125 miles before it needs to charge again, but most of them only take 30 minutes to charge, that’s faster than how long it take for my phone to charge. Solar powered cars are efficient too, because by having your car powered by the sun you wouldn’t have to charge it and while technology gets better, solar powered cars could be made so they could run forever. There are also other types of power for cars like air, water, and many

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