Argumentative Essay On Electric Cars

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With an ever changing world it’s no wonder why our science-fiction beliefs are slowly becoming a reality. Over the year’s tremendous progress has been made in humanity but in my opinion one of the greatest breakthroughs is the electric car. Numerous of failed attempts have been made at the electric car but nearly a decade ago the first highway compatible all electric running car was released to the market. Since that day massive amount of improvement has been made to these cars in which their performance, sustainability, and reliability has seen a major jump. Today the electric car is more reasonable than ever, it a shame more people don’t realize the beauty of these machines! Electric vehicles stretch the boundaries of what inexpensive travel means. These alternatives cost less to maintain and keep running compared to the common gasoline cars. For example, the current average of gasoline is $3.65 a gallon while electric vehicles fill up for only $1.14 per eGallon. Not only is gas major key factor in saving time and money but maintenance also comes into play. With electric cars having many less moving parts trips to the repair shop aren’t needed. That means no more messy oil spills, no more lubricant, and definitely no more overpriced bills from the repair man. …show more content…

Just in the last year alone Tesla, the electric car manufacturer, reported over a quarter million gasoline car fires versus the mere 19,000 incidents of electric cars. Out of the quarter million incidents numerous deaths and serious injuries occurred where as a handful of serious injuries took place from electric cars. Statistically Tesla reports that there is only 1 fire per 6,333 electric cars compared to one fire per 1,350 gasoline powered

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