Argumentative Essay On Chameleons

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Chameleon’s are one of the few creatures capable of changing color. Whenever they want to communicate with other chameleons or affect their body temperature, they change color. But, contrary to what scientists previously claimed, chameleons do not actually change color. Instead, their skin reflects light in different colors whenever necessary. Perhaps the reflections we see in water are a better way to imagine the chameleon’s unique ability. But we are not here to study chameleons; instead, we are here to expose the obvious problems of chameleon congregations. These are groups of Christians who reflect the world around them rather than the Son of God. In the worst scenarios, we see congregations that reflect themselves rather than Christ. Neither situation is scriptural. Yet, several places continue to …show more content…

It happens when the members of a congregation act no differently than the world around them. In Corinth, paganism flourished. Several of the Christians there thought they could walk the line between Christ and the world; they were wrong (2 Cor. 6:14-18). Today, Christians lie, gossip, and speak hatefully about others. They engage in worldly pursuits and avoid spiritual ones. They think that because society accepts it, they can too. Worse yet, they rarely study the Bible, and when they do, they merely read it without understanding it. With this state of affairs, how could a congregation of God’s people fulfill His expectations?

Other problems contribute to the existence of chameleon congregations. To lure in the lost, entertainment and social events replace the gospel. There is nothing wrong with fun, nor is there anything sinful about being social; but when the gospel is overshadowed by them, so is God’s power to save (Rom. 1:16). Another typical issue is a failure to spread the gospel. Most congregations are concealed from sight because they never tell others about Jesus. This is certainly a violation of the Lord’s will (Matt.

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