Argumentative Essay On Cesar Chavez

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Formally, an immigrant can be defined as “a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.” But in some cases, there has been people like Cesar Chavez who have made a difference in history as an immigrant. Unfortunately, there are those who are not as lucky as Cesar Chavez and end up getting deported just like what happened in Operation Wetback in 1942. Now, they have made a way for immigrants to become U.S. citizens by taking the citizenship test. However, Donald Trump is one of the many people attempting to keep immigrants as far away from the U.S. Border laws are also another one of the many reasons why not many immigrants get the chance to enter this country because in many ways the laws that surround the border are in some ways unfair and not really the best. Immigration still remains a problem in our country …show more content…

Senator Robert F. Kennedy described him as “one of the heroic figures of our time” (Cesar Chavez Foundation). This shows that Cesar Chavez made a difference in people’s lives, including Senator Robert’s. Some people may say that immigrants are bad people but Cesar Chavez was an immigrant himself yet, also a hero to the country. Experts say he was an American farm worker, labor leader, and a civil rights activist. This shows that he fought for what he believed in. Being a farm worker wasn’t something he planned on doing but he had no choice because he was an immigrant. He saw how cruel Americans were treating immigrants so he fought for their rights. He spoke for all the immigrants everywhere. The Cesar Chavez Foundation mentioned that at age 11, his family lost their farm during the great depression and became migrant farm workers. This shows how and why Cesar Chavez fought for farmworkers rights. He grew up not having the best childhood but he took others lives into consideration and fought for them to have a better and brighter

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