Argumentative Essay On Campus Shabbat

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Every Week, it is customary in Judaism to celebrate the day of rest, which is called Shabbat. G-d made seven days in a week and on the seventh day you are supposed to rest from anything that requires you to do labor such as working, watching television/computer/phone, cooking etc. My experience with shabbat differs every week because I’m always invited to close friends/families house for shabbat dinners. This past week, I had the privilege to attend Chabad on Campus shabbat dinner with all of the other Jewish college students at University of Delaware. Shabbat is known as a very unique and holy day. Shabbat starts every Friday at sundown and goes through sundown on saturday. We celebrate this by dressing up formally and putting makeup and wearing …show more content…

The tables were shaped like an E. The table had a plastic table cloth with disposable utensils and plates. Everything was neatly set up prior to getting there. I immediately lit shabbat candles with the other college students and recited a blessing to usher in the holy day. We then, sat down at the table and waited for the Rabbi and his wife to to say the blessing of the grape juice. After, the rabbi recites the blessing on the grape juice the custom is to go wash your hands for bread. In order to fulfill the mitzvah (good deed) we wash our hands and say a blessing and then head back to our seats and wait for the Rabbi to say the blessing for bread. After the rabbi says the blessing for bread our response is …show more content…

Everyone was euphoric and seemed to be relaxed. I heard a lot of people talking about how stressful their week was and how many assignments they have to complete. Everyone enjoyed the informality of the occasion. The students were very etiquette. As we were eating the Rabbi made it around to every table to talk to each college student and introduce himself if they have not met yet and to start up conversations about all the programs they have there at Chabad. The Rabbi was very attentive when talking to each individual. I could tell he really cared about your well being and was very interested in what you had to say. The students were dressed formal for the special dinner. When going to shabbat meals I like to wear a dress or a skirt and a nice blouse. A lot of the college students were dressed up with makeup and their hair was curly and some straightened it. It was a laid back refreshing dinner with great company and delicious food being served. Lots of laughter among each other and the Rabbi and Rebbetzin made a couple of jokes. I saw new people connecting with others and asking them questions about where they are from? What major are they studying, etc. The night was definitely a night I will cherish and

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